Thursday, December 10, 2015

Social Media Break: The End

I'm going to end this social media break experiment. This break lasted maybe two weeks. I didn't blog the last week because I didn't feel like I really had anything to say. It was fun being untethered to social media, but other things were making me a bit moody and I was beginning to feel disconnected to others. Being on a social media break was supposed to have the opposite effect. I have learned that I don't have to seek validation in others. So, all was not completely lost. I also rediscovered my old blogging voice. It's not quite exactly my old blogging voice, but I think it is close enough to my old self-deprecating persona. Yes, I shouldn't be so self-deprecating. It's a defense mechanism habit that is hella tough to break.

Anywho, to the random viewership that I may have received in the past two weeks. Talking this out helped. As for my other issues, well, I will have to deal with that at another time. Laters.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Social Media Break, Day Eight

This post is hella late. I was busy taking care of something last night, and I completely forgot to blog. Daily blogging/journaling hasn't quite become a habit just yet.

A friend of mine asked me to blog for her geek site again. I've done a couple of articles about my history with Comic-Con and what to expect at Comic-Con on her site a few months ago. I lost a little steam immediately after the second article, but being the cool friend that she is, she still has the door open for me to continue to write for her.

I'm probably not going to move this series (or cross-post this series) to that site as this doesn't really fit the theme of World of Geek Stuff, but hopefully I can write about some of my other geek interests on that site again. I think the key for me is to not have it feel like a chore. I need writing or blogging to feel like some sort of creative expression.

In other news, I'm still hooked on that Adele song. I need to start listening to other music soon, because this is approaching near ridiculous levels. lol.

I think that's it for now. I'm either going to blog more tonight, or the frequency of my blogging is going to decrease. I haven't decided yet. See y'all later.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Social Media Break, Day Seven

So, it has been a week since I tried this little Social Media Break experiment. What have I learned?

I've learned that I can totally justify checking some notifications all in the name of not wanting to look like a jerk to people that I know.

I've learned that I still am hella wordy. I don't think I'm verbose because verbosity means that I actually some sort of command of vocabulary. I just like to talk.

I've learned that I am hella behind on some pop culture stuff, like Adele's new single, Hello.

I've learned that I looooooove Adele new single, Hello.

I've learned that I loooooove covers of Adele's new single, Hello, particularly the cover by Sabrina Carpenter. I can't get enough of this song.

I've learned that I don't really miss social media that much, particularly my big three of social media: Facebook, Twitter, Google+.

I think this social media break will be an annual tradition for me, provided that I remember to do so. I also have to see if I can actually last until Christmas or Christmas Eve before I start planning future breaks.

I'm sure that there is a lot more things that I've learned in the past week. I am definitely overlooking somethings. I might also be subconsciously leaving out a few things.

This isn't something that I've learned in the past week, but this is something that I need to write out there: I still have my issues, particularly my issues with being needy and looking for self-worth in other people's opinions. I don't know if that makes sense. N says it much better than I could. This ties into a deeper issue of not actually truly believing that people like me for who I am. That issue then goes into a new found discovery that I know that I'm not always completely honest with myself. I know that I can't trust myself, and if I can't trust myself, then I don't know if I can trust my normal everyday actions. I don't think I'm a "phony" in an sense (shout out to Holden Caulfield), but I don't know if my normal actions are really what I think and feel or if it is what I think people expect me to do, or the type of action that I believe is "socially acceptable."

Woah. That got semi-deep all of a sudden. I don't know if this blog is ready for that. Alls I know is, cancel your subscription cause you don't want none of these issues. hahaha. I can't take any credit for that saying. I heard it on a radio show about 15 years ago.

Well, that's going to be it for today. I really am okay. Writing has been therapeutic in a way. I haven't regularly blogged since I blogged my way through the Insanity Workout program. The tale end of those posts can be seen here and here. The beginning of that series can still be found on my old LiveJournal. I really do miss writing blogs. I just need to figure out how I want to blog moving forward.

See y'all later.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Social Media Break, Day Six

It is a good thing that I'm attempting to take a break from social media because I have discovered my new emo song: Hello by Adele.

Yes, I am a bit behind in the times. Hell, people should be happy that I've discovered a new song from this year that isn't Taylor Swift. lol

I think the version of this song that I really like is the cover by Sabrina Carpenter of Girl Meets World fame:

Sabrina Carpenter sings her heart out on this version. She matches Adele's emotion from the original, at least from what I can tell. I'm no music expert. I'm just a guy who can appreciate someone pouring out their emotion in song.

Anywho, it really is a good thing that I'm taking a social media break because I would be sooooo plastering my Facebook feed with this song and other covers. Hell, I probably would have posted a new cover a day until I couldn't find any more of them, or until my friends all told me to shut the hell up. lol.

Gawd, this song is so haunting. I mean, the lyrics in a way don't make a whole lot sense. Why would you want to talk to someone when you've caused them a lot of pain and you've seen them finally move on? Is this just a desire to see if the other person still feels something for you? I don't get it. Maybe I'm not really supposed to get it, and it really doesn't matter. I mean, the voice and the way the song is sung is just soooo good. This song channels my inner 13 yo girl. No, I am not a 13 yo girl, though my friends would totally say that I act like one. lol

Well, that's it for today. I think I'm getting a bit better with this desire to always be checking social media. It's a bit tough when you want to share something, like a new found emo song and the million covers out there that just need to be shared, but I guess that's what this blog is for, right? That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Social Media Break, Day Five

I forgot to blog last night. Maybe that's why I'm so gorram early. You know, health professionals all say that you have to get proper amounts of sleep and all that, but when you have "trained" your body to survive off 5-6 hours of sleep, do you know what typically happens? Your body decides that you want to now wake up after about 5-6 hours of sleep. This is bollocks, man. Absolutely bollocks. I should be sleeping for at least another hour and a half before I finally decided to get up at 4am. Maybe the scotch last night wasn't such a good idea.

I honestly think that Facebook knows when people are trying to take a break from their site. Randomly yesterday, I get an email that one of my friends had changed their status. I immediately thought that I had been tagged in it, so I messaged my friend to see what was the message. Nope. I wasn't tagged in any message. Effing Facebook, man. It's like their algorithm realizes that an account has gone dark for 5 whole days and it tries to get you back. That is just super shady. I don't know if that is exactly what happened, but I don't think people necessarily get emails of their friends changing their status when you aren't tagged in the stats. Curiouser and curiouser.

I survived the work day without having to succumb to going on social media. Yay, me. Let's see if I can survive a second work day. One day at a time, right? Why do I sound like I'm in some sort of 12 step program. This isn't like a real addiction, is it? I mean, social media is just a habit forming diversion to our every day normal lives, right?

I was reminded again yesterday that everyone has a different meaning to the word "interesting" based on their own life experiences. A friend of mine was lamenting on Monday that her life and weekend was boring and that nothing interesting really happens in her life. And yet, when we talk about all of the different things that have happened, she always has experiences that I consider as interesting and fascinating. I guess, I'm far more on the boring scale of life, which is fairly true. Adventure. Excitement. A Jedi craves not these things. Okay, that was seriously the dorkiest thing I have ever done, and I have done a lot of dorky things. lol

Anyways, that's it for now. I'll try to remember to blog again tonight. I don't know how many more mundane things I can talk about. See y'all later.