Friday, December 4, 2015

Social Media Break, Day Eight

This post is hella late. I was busy taking care of something last night, and I completely forgot to blog. Daily blogging/journaling hasn't quite become a habit just yet.

A friend of mine asked me to blog for her geek site again. I've done a couple of articles about my history with Comic-Con and what to expect at Comic-Con on her site a few months ago. I lost a little steam immediately after the second article, but being the cool friend that she is, she still has the door open for me to continue to write for her.

I'm probably not going to move this series (or cross-post this series) to that site as this doesn't really fit the theme of World of Geek Stuff, but hopefully I can write about some of my other geek interests on that site again. I think the key for me is to not have it feel like a chore. I need writing or blogging to feel like some sort of creative expression.

In other news, I'm still hooked on that Adele song. I need to start listening to other music soon, because this is approaching near ridiculous levels. lol.

I think that's it for now. I'm either going to blog more tonight, or the frequency of my blogging is going to decrease. I haven't decided yet. See y'all later.

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